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Lacemakers of Calais

family name and their ship


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The Shipping Lists


Archer Agincourt

Asling Agincourt

Bacon Agincourt

Ball Agincourt

Bamford Agincourt

Bannister Agincourt

Barnett Harpley

Barry Agincourt

Barry Harpley

Barton Andromache

Basford Harpley

Bath Agincourt

Beatson Agincourt

Bennet Harpley

Biddulph Agincourt

Bodwin Agincourt

Boot Harpley

Bouclet Agincourt

Bown Harbinger

Bown Harpley

Bradbury Agincourt

Branson Agincourt

Bromhead Agincourt

Brown Agincourt

Browne Agincourt

Brownlow Agincourt

Bunny Agincourt

Choulerton Agincourt

Clarke Harpley

Cobb Harpley

Cooper Agincourt

Cooper Nelson

Cope Harpley

Corniche Harpley

Cosway Agincourt

Courquin Agincourt

Couvelau Agincourt

Cramps Agincourt

Creswell Harpley

Crofts Agincourt

Crowder Harpley

Cunningham Agincourt

Davis Agincourt

Davis Harpley

Desombre Harpley

Dean Agincourt

Denman Harpley

Dewey Fairlie

Dixon Agincourt

Dixon Harpley

Donisthorpe Harpley

Dormer Harpley

Duck Agincourt

Duckworth Agincourt

Dunk Harpley

Eagle Agincourt

East Harpley

Elliott Agincourt

Elliott Fairlie

Elnor Agincourt

Foster Agincourt

Fox Agincourt

Freestone Harpley

Gamble Emperor

Gamble Harpley

Gascoigne Agincourt

Goldfinch Emperor

Goldfinch Harpley

Greensmith Agincourt

Grey Harpley

Hall Agincourt

Hall Harpley

Harding Agincourt

Harold Harpley

Harris Agincourt

Harrison Duke of Bronte

Harrison Fairlie

Hawkridge Andromanche

Haywood Agincourt

Hazeldine Harpley

Hazeldine Walmer Castle

Hemsley Harpley

Hibbert Harpley

Hide Agincourt

Hingley Agincourt

Hinkley Hoogly

Hiskey Agincourt

Hiskey Harpley

Holmes Harpley

Holmes Navarino

Homan Agincourt

Hopkins Harpley

Houghton Agincourt

Husband Agincourt

Huskinson Fairlie

Hutchinson Agincourt

Ingham Agincourt

Irons Harpley

Jacklin Agincourt

Jackson Harpley

James Agincourt

James Harpley

Johnson Agincourt

Kemshall Agincourt

Kendrick Agincourt

Kettleband Fairlie

Kirk Harpley

Kiscadden Agincourt

Knowles Agincourt

Lake Harpley

Lamb Andromache

Lander Harpley

Lee Harpley

Litchfield Agincourt

Longmire Harpley

Lowe Agincourt

Luard Harpley

Luard Hooghly

Maloney Fairlie

Maltby Nelson

Martin Fairlie

Marvin Agincourt

Mather Baboo

Mattong Agincourt

Matthews Harpley

Mays Fairlie

McDonough Agincourt

Moon Agincourt

Mottershaw Harpley

Mountenay Harpley

Needham Harpley

Nicholls Agincourt

Nutt Agincourt

O'Hanlon Fairlie

Oldfield Agincourt

Oldham Agincourt

Oriel Harpley

Paling Harpley

Parkes General Hewett

Parsons Harpley

Pass Agincourt

Pausey Harpley

Peat Harpley

Pedder Agincourt

Peet Agincourt

Pepper Navarino

Percival Agincourt

Petit Agincourt

Pettit Agincourt

Petty Harpley

Pinchbeck Norfolk

Place Agincourt

Plummer Emperor

Potter Agincourt

Powell Agincourt

Pratt Agincourt

Reid Fairlie

Revel Harpley

Richardson Harpley

Richez General Hewett

Richmond Harpley

Roberts Fairlie

Robinson Agincourt

Robinson Fairlie

Roe Agincourt

Rogers Walmer Castle

Roper Agincourt

Rose Fairlie

Rushton Harpley

Russ Harpley

Samuels Harpley

Sansom Harpley

Savage Harpley

Savidge Nelson

Saywell Agincourt

Schietekal General Hewett

Selby Harbinger

Selby Harpley

Sergeant Agincourt

Sergeant Fairlie

Shaw Agincourt

Shaw Harpley

Shepherd Agincourt

Shore Agincourt

Simpson Harpley

Slack Harpley

Smedley Harpley

Smith Agincourt

Smith Baboo

Smith Harpley

Spinks Agincourt

Stevens Agincourt

Stevenson Duke of Bronte

Street Harpley

Strong Nelson

Stubbs Fairlie

Stubbs Harpley

Stubbs Norfolk

Sumner Harpley

Sweeney Harpley

Swift Agincourt

Taylor Agincourt

Taylor Harpley

Topham Agincourt

Towlson Agincourt

Towlson Harpley

Trueman Agincourt

Underwood Agincourt

Vickers Agincourt

Vinton Fairlie

Wainwright Agincourt

Walker Agincourt

Walkland Harpley

Wand Agincourt

Ward Agincourt

Ward General Hewett

Watts Harpley

Watson Harpley

Wells Harpley

West Agincourt

Whewell Agincourt

Widdison Harpley

Wildon Harpley

Wood Agincourt

Wood Fairlie

Woodforth Agincourt

Woolcock Harpley

Worthington Agincourt

Wragg Harbinger

Wright Agincourt

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